Cherry Tomato

After the important investment made with the construction of the plant in Ispica, we wanted to enhance the typical products of this area, starting to produce and market the cherry tomato.

Our annual production is about 2.000 tons; our goal for the coming years is to increase the quantity to meet an increasing number of requests.

From the beginning we have been able to enhance the cherry tomato that is born in this wonderful territory between Ispica and Pachino and that has unique peculiarities in the world.

In fact, it is born and grows in the sunniest area of Europe with the proximity of the sea and the brackish water with which it feeds.

The environment transfers to the cherry tomato characteristics that allow it to stand out because of the high degree of sweetness in contrast with the typical acidity oh the tomato.

The product is available all year long thanks to modern greenhouses that protect the quality and guarantee an ideal ripening environment also in the colder period. We are able to supply this product continuously in different packaging in order to meet every customer’s need in Europe.

Although this product, due to its delicacy, tends to require manual work both in terms of harvesting and processing, we have tried to standardize the production process, investing in processing and packaging lines, thus raising the quality standard of the product.
The customers that most appreciate this Italian excellence are the main Italian and foreign distribution chains, but also specialized shops and industries of IV range.

In order to enhance and make known the quality that the territory transmits to this product, the Consortium for the protection of Pachino Tomato PGI was born, which we are an active member of since its inception.

For every information about availability and delivery time contact the PEF team, ready to answer as soon as possible.



    Ispica and Pachino (Sicily)

    2.000 ton

    unpacked and pre-packaged


    all year round

    large scale retail, food industry, Ho.Re.Ca, IV-V range

    GS, Global Gap, Grasp